but much code would probably have to be written Well, it is probably portable to Pandora, as long as Pandora has a normal libc etc pandora already has some versions of e-uae perhaps A500 emu on lowest accuracy would work (I don't know) I know nothing about the pandora, so I wouldn't know I would think it would be slow on a 800 or so mHz ARM processor though there are other deps as well (OpenAL, SDL, glib)
so it is in fact portable to the pandora no, there is next to nothing asm code in WinUAE / FS-UAE and not be truly portable to non x86 processors like ARM I would think because you share a lot of code with winuae that FS-UAE would contain a lot of x86 ASM There is a thread on the openpandora forums about your emulator being ported to the pandora